Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Welcome to my blog.

I will be using this space as a public commonplace book to journal the path of giving myself a classical education by reading great books. My guide for this journey will be Susan Wise Bauer's booklist published in The Well-Educated Mind. As I read down the list, I will post my summaries, evaluations, and arguments from each book. Comments are welcome.


  1. I saw that you stopped by on my blog, and I just wanted to say hi and welcome! It's nice to find another WEM follower. Do you have anyone reading along with you? There is a WTM group that is on The Pilgrim's Progress but I'm not sure how it will go because the Don Quixote discussion kind of fizzled out. There is also a Goodreads group that will be reading through the WEM biographies starting around May, so I'm not sure if you'd be interested in joining us…??

    BTW, I love the photo on your blog header! Happy blogging!

    1. Hi, thanks for the message! I'm not reading along with anyone yet, but I just started Don Quixote yesterday so maybe I'll be able to find someone around the same spot. I'll definitely look into the Goodreads group.

      Thanks again!

    2. The GR group is called Well Trained Mind Readers. You'll find the biography thread there. I hope you'll have time to join us.

  2. Hi,
    How exciting to find another reader on TWEM journey. I remember beginning mine two years ago and feeling intimidated by Don Quixote; but DQ ended being one of my favorites of all time. I have loved going through the list, although I am not enjoying the modern and post modern novels - but that's me. I certainly look forward to following you and your experiences. ~Ruth


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